Showing posts with label Lark Street. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lark Street. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

If I were mayor - driving edition

You know what makes me insane? I mean, other than bad service and people not respecting the rights of pedestrians in the crosswalk?  Double parking when there is a space available.  I don't think I've ever seen this done with the frequency I see it happening in Albany.  It seems that usually when I observe this, the driver is still in the car - perhaps waiting for some sort of colossal geographical shift in the earth to park the car for them, at which point they will simply lock the doors and go on their merry way.  I must admit, there have been times when I have triple-parked momentarily just to ask - "Hey, are you going to park in that available space right there or did you forget how to parallel park immediately after your road test?"

My other issue with driving in Albany is red light etiquette.  It has been well documented that Albany drivers excel at running red lights.  I know that when I'm driving, I usually do a mental 5 count before proceeding through my fresh green as a precaution - how about you? And if you're making a turn at the red light, be it a right or a left at the intersection of two one way streets, you must stop first. Stop and yield are not the same thing and I find it shocking how many drivers apparently do not understand this fact. If I were mayor, I would have police officers writing tickets left and right for these reckless drivers.  It's another one of those situations where the laws are in place, perhaps it is time to simply enforce them.

My final Albany driving pet peeve originates, like many of my life lessons, in my youth in groovy Greenwood Lake. Teenagers do lots of boundary pushing and experimenting, right? Well, thanks to Aloysius' antics (with perhaps the contribution of another young man in a bathrobe. In the car. In the afternoon) we all learned the precise difference between stopping at a stop sign and rolling through a stop sign. Now, not everyone has had the benefit of having their friend arrested for such an offense, but, take my word for it - Stop means all forward motion of the wheels ceases and that's what lawful drivers are expected to do. For more information on this topic, please speak to Aloysius. He is the expert. 

Being better drivers by respecting pedestrians and traffic laws doesn't cost anything. Wouldn't it be awesome if we all tried just a little bit harder to make Albany a city that abides by traffic laws?

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Winter Wonder Lark

Just in case you haven't had your fill of half-naked folks running down Lark Street, a few of my shots are below. It was a great day of fun, charity and local shopping. Who says Lark Street isn't wholesome?

Pics from the TU's Seen Gallery (not mine)
All Over Albany's archive of photos

Friday, August 19, 2011

New Old Bling

So, I've had this belt of my mother's for about 20 years.  It never fit me, so I can't imagine how it ever fit her, (which may be why I got it to begin with) but, I've always loved it.  Over the years, the belt had fallen into a state of disrepair, yet, I didn't have the heart to abandon it to the trash.  During my recent home rearrangement I once again came across the belt and greeted it with a sigh.  But, this time the sigh was followed by an aha moment.  I realized that I knew a person who could use her talents to create a unique, wearable item from the shambles of this by now vintage belt.  Elissa Halloran to the rescue. And just look what she made!  I immediately put this necklace on and imagine I will be working it into the rotation with great frequency because it makes me feel like Isis when I wear it.  I am absolutely in love.

Speaking of love, you know I have big love for Elissa and consider myself a collector of sorts of her jewelry, particularly her fabulous necklaces.  Please tell me you visit her shop on Lark Street.  You do, right?  Let me show you some reasons you should frequent her sweet little store on the off chance that you don't already...
One of my favorites from about 10 years ago

A special gift from my special friends, the Clancys

From me, to me

These three pieces provide a pretty good example of the variety of work Elissa does, I think.  The first piece always makes me feel like a Celtic warrior princess when I wear it - it is a strong statement necklace that speaks in an unrefined, natural voice and it really goes with most anything.  The middle necklace was a complete surprise purchased for me by friends in Boston and selected personally by Elissa for me.  That is one of the super cool things about Elissa - she knows her clientele and has helped me to choose items for friends when I have been overwhelmed by the options.  I love that middle piece because it is beautifully delicate, yet assertive at the same time - perhaps the "me" I strive to be.  The bottom piece is a favorite for sure.  The photo doesn't do the greens justice, however, trust me, it is stunning.  There is so much texture and there are so many shapes involved in this necklace, but they are balanced by Elissa's tremendous eye for design. 

First Friday is coming up soon - the perfect chance to visit Elissa's store and purchase a piece of wearable art that will bring you joy for many years to come.  Making something beautiful is Elissa's talent, wearing something beautiful should be your aspiration.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What's Barbarone???

Full disclosure: I work at the Wine Bar & Bistro on Lark Street

There are two questions I  can always count on being asked when I'm serving at the Wine Bar:  Can I get your number?  What is Poussin and what is Barbarone?  Poussin, frequently misread for poisson, is a young chicken, not fish.  And Barbarone?  Well, that's a slice of heaven on a plate.  

For my first meal back in town, sans children, I headed down to Lark Street with a craving for a thoughtfully selected glass of wine, or three, and something tasty to eat.  My dog's sitter was preparing to relinquish her back to the DelSo and I knew a good meal would make their parting easier, so I invited him to join me.  Addison is an excellent dining companion and I didn't regret extending an invitation to him until that damned Barbarone hit the table.  I did not want to share.  Oh, I'm sorry, I haven't yet described what this delectable dessert is...

As a coworker perfectly stated, Barbarone is French Toast that has had a million dollars thrown at it.  Or, more specifically, Barbarone is a wedge of challah bread which has been soaked in cream, coated with sugar, baked and then bruleed (apologies for the lack of punctuation here).  At the WBB on Lark it is finished with a simple citrus syrup of sorts and, if you really want to bang it out of the park, a glass of the La Spinetta Moscato di Asti on the side.  Oh my goodness, it may just be my new favorite dessert.  Next time, though, I'm getting my own.