Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Coffee time

I don't know about you, but I haven't been sleeping that well recently, which makes my morning cup of Joe that much more necessary.  For the rest of you coffee dependent folks out there, just a reminder that my favorite coffee place, Porto Rico Importers in NYC is having one of their two big annual sales starting October 22nd.  The sale continues until October 31st and provides the perfect opportunity  for stocking up on high quality beans at a ridiculously fair price. I haven't received my sale promotion postcard in the mail yet, but during Peter's Birthday Sale prices range from $4.99 to 7.99 a pound for beautiful, intact beans roasted to a gorgeous hue of deliciousness.  My morning blend is generally 3 parts dark roast to 1 part flavored for a subtle taste bud stimulation and my favorite flavored beans (for those of you already considering what to get me for Christmas) are the French-Cinnamon Orange and French-Cinnamon.  And despite critical consideration, I do  prefer to start my mug with a generous glug of half -n- half.  Life is short and I refuse to count calories before 7 a.m.  Don't you tea drinkers feel left out either - there is a comprehensive tea selection in addition to the plethora of coffee beans available, as well as filters, coffee makers and other gadgets.  Mark your calendars and mail order yourself some morning (perhaps afternoon and evening, too - who am I to judge?) pleasure.


  1. This is interesting, but on further review, doesn't the cost of shipping make this somewhat of a luxury purchase? There must be somewhere in town where I can get decent coffee at a decent price. Thoughts?

  2. Excellent question! Porto Rico ships UPS and, if I recall, the cost adds less than a dollar per pound which still leaves the cost in the bargain range. (I'll let you know the specifics after I put my order together) I don't consider their coffee to be decent - I consider it to be really, really good. While I am about supporting local businesses, I've never had coffee of this quality, at these prices, around here. I also appreciate the fact the Porto Rico is a well-established, independent family business.

  3. Delmaron - I just placed my order yesterday and am happy to report that 7 lbs of coffee are being delivered for the grand total of $55. That comes out to about $8 per pound, which seems pretty reasonable to me - and they're actually 16oz lbs rather than those ridiculous 12 or 14oz lbs that are being sold in grocery stores.

