Monday, January 3, 2011

Resolved in 2011

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Doesn't resolved sound so much more certain than resolutions? Let's have being positive be our number 1 item to resolve this new year! Achieving a balance between looking in and looking out is an item I'd like to master in this new year - consider it added to the list. I was thinking about perspective while soaking in my brother's hot tub the other morning.  The seat which I initially found myself drawn to provided a view of the house rather than the beautiful valley vista visible from the other available seat.  Why not become more aware of the view?  Continuing the work on my capacity to live in the moment is something I've been consciously working towards mentally, for some time. Time to make it a more physical than merely mental activity.  Speaking of physical activity, though, reminds me that getting some type of exercise a minimum of 5 days a week is imperative, both for psychic and physical health.  I'll do my best to resolve to continue being as active as possible, while trying to not over schedule myself. 

There you have it - my list to be resolved in 2011.  Stick around - let's see where this goes.

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